In the Community
Every dollar helps us help one more animal in need.
These funds help maintain the facility, provide food, litter, office supplies, transportation, and all things necessary to operate the shelter.
Help Us Help Them
We are grateful for your support.
Wine Down Fundraising for the Animals
(Past Event 8/21/2024)
Wed. August 21st - 3-7p.m.
The Wine Down
(Next to Albertsons)

Big thanks to KPVM Ch. 25 for your continued support!
Wine Down Fundraising for the Animals
(Past Event 6/21/2024)

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Never Forgotten volunteers bring some kitties to visit the Seniors
(Past Event July 2024)

Diva Drag Queen Charity Bingo Raises $12,000 Dollars for area Rescues
Big Coop Fundraiser with Never Forgotten Animal Society, Furgotten Friends & Tails of Nye County!
(Past Event 4/10/2023)

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Every Donation, no matter how large or small
Helps us Help them.
We at Never Forgotten Animal Society are eternally grateful for the kindness and generosity of the community of Pahrump.